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Tickets API

This section lists all API that can be used to view and update tickets.

View a ticket

This API lets you view a specific ticket and all related events.

GET /ticket/{id}

Additional header filters

Name Type Optional Description
event_log Integer ia Show Actions log:
- 1 - yes
- 0 - no

Sample code:

curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'apikey: dWIeGMRlikMIle' \
  -H 'event_log: 1' \


    "id": "09-13-O-TW4",
    "queue": 1,
    "created": "2024-09-05T14:20:54Z",
    "channel": 2,
    "priority": 2,
    "status": 3,
    "has_attachments": true,
    "has_notes": false,
    "topic": 1,
    "description": "Can a user open an issue by Outlook or Gmail, or they have to open a web system and describe the problem?",
    "reported_by": "Houston Brooks",
    "customer": {
        "registered": true,
        "name": "Houston Brooks",
        "email": "",
        "role": "Customer",
        "group": "VIP"
    "assignee": 10,
    "assigned_on": "2024-09-05T16:25:44Z",
    "deadline": null,
    "responded": null,
    "updated": "2024-09-05T16:25:44Z",
    "minutes": 10,
    "rating": null,
    "closed_on": null,
    "tags": [
    "solution": null,
    "estimated": "2 00:24",
    "elapsed": "7 01:26",
    "custom_fields": {
        "Browser": "Chrome",
        "Timing": "05-SEP-22 16:25"
    "event_log": [
            "date": "2024-09-13T13:50:47.518036000+02:00",
            "action": "Attachment",
            "attachment_url": "",
            "description": "sample_picture.png",
            "applied_by": null,
            "billable": null
            "date": "2024-09-13T13:50:15.138882000+02:00",
            "action": "Notified",
            "description": "Hank Marlow : ASSIGNMENT: [09-13-O-TW4] Technical support - Email conversion",
            "applied_by": null,
            "billable": null
            "date": "2024-09-13T13:50:15.078295000+02:00",
            "action": "Set Deadline",
            "description": "15-Sep-22 17:49",
            "applied_by": "James Conrad",
            "billable": null
            "date": "2024-09-13T13:50:15.077415000+02:00",
            "action": "Assigned",
            "description": "Joel Mercury",
            "applied_by": "James Conrad",
            "billable": 10
            "date": "2024-09-13T13:24:43.369140000+02:00",
            "action": "Created",
            "description": "Can a user open an issue by Outlook or Gmail, or they have to open a web system and describe the problem?",
            "applied_by": "Houston Brooks",
            "billable": 10

Fitler and list tickets

This API lets you filter and list tickets in a similar manner as in the ticket details page.

GET /tickets/{queue}/{status}/{topic}/{group}/{assignee}/{from}/{to}/{search}


Name Type Description URI parameter to match any ticket value
{queue} Integer Queue ID any
{status} Integer Status: value from the Status table or 0 for unclosed tickets any
{topic} Integer Topic ID any
{group} Integer Customer group ID any
{assignee} Integer Assignee ID any
{from} String Date created From any
{to} String Date created To any
{search} Integer Search for the string in the ticket attributes: ID, Subject, Tags, Description *


The date format for parameters from and to must match those you set in the General settings section.

Sample code for query "Get all tickets from queue=1 and topic=1 and assignee=10 submitted between 02-SEP-2023 and 14-JAN-2024":

curl -X GET \* \
  -H 'apikey: dWIeGMRlikMIle'


    "id": "09-13-O-TW4",
    "queue": 1,
    "created": "2024-09-05T14:20:54Z",
    "channel": 2,
    "priority": 2,
    "status": 3,
    "has_attachments": true,
    "has_notes": false,
    "topic": 1,
    "description": "Can a user open an issue by Outlook or Gmail, or do they have to open a web system and describe the problem?",
    "reported_by": "Houston Brooks",
    "customer": {
        "registered": true,
        "name": "Houston Brooks",
        "email": "",
        "role": "Customer",
        "group": "VIP"
    "assignee": 10,
    "assigned_on": "2024-09-05T16:25:44Z",
    "deadline": null,
    "responded": null,
    "updated": "2024-09-05T16:25:44Z",
    "minutes": 10,
    "rating": null,
    "closed_on": null,
    "tags": [
    "solution": null,
    "estimated": "2 00:24",
    "elapsed": "7 01:26",
    "custom_fields": {
        "Browser": "Chrome",
        "Timing": "05-SEP-24 16:25"
    "id": "11-14-3-AS7",
    "queue": 1,
    "created": "2024-11-14T11:05:14Z",
    "channel": 2,
    "priority": 2,
    "status": 3,
    "has_attachments": true,
    "has_notes": false,
    "topic": 1,
    "description": "Use Discuss action to process internal support messages and forward them to your team members, if necessary.",
    "reported_by": "Sample User",
    "customer": {
        "registered": true,
        "name": "Sample User",
        "email": "",
        "role": "Customer",
        "group": "VIP"
    "assignee": 10,
    "assigned_on": "2024-11-22T16:25:44Z",
    "deadline": null,
    "responded": null,
    "assigned_on": "2024-11-22T16:25:44Z",
    "minutes": 10,
    "rating": null,
    "closed_on": null,
    "tags": [
        "Service request"
    "solution": null,
    "estimated": "2 00:24",
    "elapsed": "7 01:26"
    "custom_fields": {
        "Browser": null,
        "Timing": null

Agent Actions

This API lets you make changes to attributes of a ticket in a similar manner as with the predefined Agent actions.


PUT /api/ticket/reply/{id}

Additional parameters

Name Type Optional Description
and_close Integer ia Reply and also Close the ticket:
- 1 - yes
- 0 - no
mark_solution Integer ia Mark the reply text as the solution to the ticket:
- 1 - yes
- 0 - no
auto_assign Integer ia Assign the ticket to performer if the ticket is not assigned:
- 1 - yes
- 0 - no

Sample code:

curl -X PUT \  \
  -H 'apikey: dWIeGMRlikMIle' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
       "reply": "The problem you reported has been fixed. Please try now.",
       "and_close": 1,
       "mark_solution": 0,
       "auto_assign": 1,
       "minutes": 7


PUT /api/ticket/assign/{id}

Sample code:

curl -X PUT \  \
  -H 'apikey: dWIeGMRlikMIle' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
       "assignee": 1,
       "deadline": "14-JAN-25 14:06",
       "minutes": 7


The datetime format for parameter deadline must match the one you set in the General settings section.


PUT /api/ticket/note/{id}

Sample code:

curl -X PUT \  \
  -H 'apikey: dWIeGMRlikMIle' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
       "note": "Take this ticket with high priority and let me know when it is resolved",
       "minutes": 7,
       "status": 3


PUT /api/ticket/close/{id}

Sample code:

curl -X PUT \  \
  -H 'apikey: dWIeGMRlikMIle'


PUT /api/ticket/move/{id}

Sample code:

curl -X PUT \  \
  -H 'apikey: dWIeGMRlikMIle' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
       "queue": 1,
       "unassign": 0,


PUT /api/ticket/tag/{id}

Sample code:

curl -X PUT \  \
  -H 'apikey: dWIeGMRlikMIle' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
       "tags": "Service request,Help/Assistance"

Ticket properties

Each ticket contains certain numerical values to denote its submission Channel, Status, and Priority. These numerical values along with their meanings are given in the following tables.

Channel Value
Submission form 1
Email 2
Call 3
Web widget 4
Status Value
New 1
Working 2
Pending 3
Closed 4
Priority Value
Low 1
Normal 2
High 3
Urgent 4