
Email Ticketing System built for Customers as well as Support Teams

Makes it easy for your users to get or provide customer support without ever knowing what's behind the help desk scene.

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Email Ticketing System

Seamless and Convenient Support Experience

The email ticketing system coexists with your Support Portal, offering non-technical users an alternative that leverages their familiar email client. This means users who are less comfortable with logging into the Support Portal to use the support ticket system can still easily create and manage their requests via email.

Agents and customers can use their favorite email client software to provide and get support: Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, and others. The email-to-ticket utility stores a new email message and its data into a support request database, ensuring data integrity and security. Eventually, it provides a structured method for tracking and managing customer inquiries, allowing support teams to create a more streamlined and effective support process that meets the needs of their customers.

Two-way email parsing

Thoroughly designed list of features ranging from processing outgoing email notifications to the integrated email-to-ticket utility assisting two-way communication via the helpdesk system, taking care of all data - email message, user information and attachments.

  • Email Ticket Submission

    Your clients can simply send a new message to an inbound email address, and the email-to-ticket utility does the rest.

  • Email Replies

    Each reply to the received email notification and its data are appended to the ticket Actions log.

email systememail commands

Email commands for your support team

Support teams can harness specific commands in email replies, streamlining assignments and internal message submissions for effective support. Each email command is further processed in the help desk, as every action taken on a ticket is recorded.

Append custom ticket actions to email message

Along with email reples to customers, support teams can apply the most frequently used ticket actions to the email message.

Integration with Workflow engine

Each incoming email message is monitored by the Workflow engine and its rules, enabling extended automation across the helpdesk.

  • Assign and set Deadline

  • Write internal comments

  • Close tickets

email ticketingsupport teams email commands